The first seven stanzas of the astpadi explore the theme stated in the preceding sloka and the eight sometimes sums up the astpadi but, more often, becomes a paean of praise lacing the theme in the context of an overall vision of Eternal Reality. A sloka or couplet precedes each astpadi. The Sukhmani Sahib comprises twenty-four astpadis or cantos, each comprising eight stanzas. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Satnam Singh has a great voice and makes it extra enjoyable to listen to.
Download Link here -? This is one of my favorites because Prof. Learn how your comment data is processed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Įmail Address. I am just doing my part to help make them more accessible in this digital age. I am personally grateful for those people that spent the time to make the actual original recordings available to us all! In order to make these recordings more accessible, yesterday and today I worked on converting the files so that they are much smaller and under MB in size. Saving and moving them is a major pain to say the least. Imagine downloading a 2GB file on a dialup modem!! That would have taken ages. Many years ago I spent quite a bit of time on the task of joining the many individual audio recordings into complete single audio files that could be played non-stop. Of course with this method you have to be connected to the internet in some way. I know many friends who have a small dedicated mp3 player with speakers, that they use to play an Akhand path reading in their home all the time. Over the years many people have asked me about getting audio mp3 recordings of the complete reading of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. We often hear people ring the bell when someone is late, and get the opportunity to read from the Guru during our work day. The SikhNet office is part of the Gurdwara building, and just a step through our inside door and you are in front of the Guru hearing the Akhand path. One thing I am grateful for, working at SikhNet, is that we are always enveloped in the sound vibration of the Akhand paath. This is like a day non stop relay of people reading the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. People generally read for an hour, before being replaced by another person. You can also download all of the above audios through BitTorrent which is best method for downloading.